The main idea of the shop is to add another 3d resource for the artists and studios out there, expanding the existing 3d scanned data ecosystem in order to offer more possibilities and variety.
We were inspired by shops like Quixel, Poliigon, Substance Source, Artstation Marketplace and so on. We decided to add our future shop in the mix as well, the more 3d resources, the better. Plus, we will make available the beautiful austrian materials and landscapes to every hungry artist.
Let’s think of this shop in episodes. The first episode will be focused on scanned materials as we travel across Austrian terrain, cities, landscapes etc. There will be city based material packages and much more. The second one will be focused on HDRi’s and the final one will include the creation of scanned 3D objects.
When it comes to the 3D scanned objects, we have the environment artists in mind, so we will start with nature assets such as wooden logs, rocks, austrian vegetation, fallen fruits, leaves etc. BIOMASS.
The austrian environment is known for its beauty, therefore we would like to throw the “request” feature when it comes to HDRi’s. For example, if you will like some HDRi from some particular place, you can email this idea to us and we will try to fulfill the request. This request feature can be also for materials, for example some archviz artist can suggest to have more materials from Vienna so that they can use in their work and things like that.
The whole project will not be ready over night but we are committed already to this whole idea. If you like what we want to do and have some suggestions or ideas, feel free to contact us to this email studio@madchamo.com or via social media.
The shop will also be used as support feature. If a studio signs a long term contract with us, they will be granted a free access to all the assets in the shop.
Till then, you can follow us to find out when the big day arrives.